Winter 2023

The Patron Saints of Hydromorphone & Jobbers

You have this look in your eyes

like a pill in peanut butter

hidden and bitter and vile

they’ll call you the patron saint of splattered blood and deli sodas.

One day this look will spark

and we’ll take it outside

fight under lamp posts for dignity and half eaten snow.

I’d lose, probably,

when I notice how the dingy street light frames you

and how angels don’t always look like the ones in the holy books;

we’d look like feral dogs

starving and bloodied

skin only keeping us alive.

What godless creatures we’d be.

You’d try to put me in a sharpshooter after, as a joke,

dare me to lie over traintracks

laying flat enough to be alive

but not much else.

I think you would be Shawn Michaels

and I would be Bret Hart

and we’d be somewhere between Manhattan and Montreal

sometime between 8 PM and 1997.

Let me tell you a secret браток,

one I only whisper to the painting of Jesus in the dome of St. Nicholas’ Cathedral

my favorite secret, really

I think I'd let you kill me

stand nice and still so you won’t mess it up

you fucking piece of shit.