Winter 2024

Letter to a Mortal

Remembered world drowned

beneath skies of falling fire.

Dreams of ash laughing

at what could have been.

But don’t despair,

my life matters.

My life will be different,

than yours:

a memory.

A memory of a candle


by the howling wind.

A memory that


But not my life.

I am

a picture,

long turned to dust,

of lies

of lies and lies

that burn and burn

at the tendrils of love

that should have been.

A candle of light

in a universe of darkness

shines longer,

longer than me.

Suns will darken,

hearts will wither,

souls will turn to mist

on a foggy day,

but I will stand


on this rock

that will be dust,

as a pillar,

a monument,

a lesson,

of what

should not have been.

A boat

of blood,


and sinew,

sails away,

dream catcher

on the drowning ocean,

bathed in falling fire.

A boat

of blood,


and sinew,

leaves me,

standing on a dusty rock,


what could have been

and what will be:

the eternal life,

maybe worth living,

that is mine.